Tennessee Parenting Plan Form (Guide to finding it)

Tennessee Parenting Plan Form (Guide to finding it)

We discuss the Tennessee Permanent Parenting Plan in all of our live Parent Education Classes in West Tennessee.  

I am a local Memphis attorney. I teach the mandatory divorcing parent education classes at least SIX times each month at our office near Cordova. Our classes are approved by Shelby County and the surrounding Tennessee counties. A link to the class dates can be found at Memphis Class Dates or Jackson Area Class Dates. During the live class we discuss mediation, divorce documents, Tennessee coparenting, alimony in Tennessee, child support and child custody. We also discuss the Tennessee Parenting Plan form in detail! There are so many requirements that you have to complete each and every year to avoid being in contempt of the Parenting Plan document.

We get a lot of questions from students and parents about how to find the Tennessee Parenting Plan form and what versions of the form exist.

Did you know that there are several foreign language versions of the Parenting Plan Form? There are also three different types of the form to download: Word format, PDF Fillable and PDF.  Our guide will show where to find and download the form for FREE.  All three versions of the form can be found HERE.  There is also a GUIDE discussing the Parenting Plan with a lot of useful information from the state of Tennessee.  Remember, your parenting plan must be in the best interest of your child. The judge will thoroughly review your Parenting Plan before it is signed, so make sure you have the most current form. A best practice is to have a Tennessee lawyer review your document before submitting it to the court. 

If you would like to know more about the Parenting Plan, or just need a refresher after taking the live parent education class, check out the video guide below…


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