Abusive Wife Leads to Divorce in Tennessee

Abusive Wife Leads to Divorce in Tennessee

Men Experience Abuse, too

We see it all too frequently in our office. First, men come in to file for divorce or Answer a divorce complaint. Next, they begin to tell us the stories of how their abusive wife treated them during the marriage. They don’t even realize they are in an emotionally abusive relationship until the stories come pouring out.  Because men are supposed to be strong, right?  Therefore, tough enough to take whatever their spouse dishes out. WRONG.

Here are a few things male victims of emotional abuse experience from an abusive wife:

  • Control over how they spend their time
  • Control over how they spend their money
  • Isolation from family
  • Forced to attend all of her family events and/or pay for her family to go places
  • Isolation from friends (unless they are the husband of her friend)
  • Jealousy over outside activities
  • Possessiveness and scrutiny over all of their activities, even errands or social media accounts
  • Humiliation in front of others
  • Accusations of infidelity, especially when she cheated first
  • Turning children against him by forcing him to be the “bad cop” parent
  • Excessive guilt trips over petty issues
  • Waiting until bed time to “talk” (yell) and making sure they are not well rested
  • Calling them “embarrassing” or “not a real man”

Help for victims of abusive wife

If you are a victim of emotional abuse (male or female), please get out and get help.  First, file a police report. Then follow up.  Thirdly, go to court and seek an Order of Protection. There are many therapists, classes, attorneys and mediators that can help you move on from an abusive relationship. Finally, find the happiness you so richly deserve!

Finally, there are 56 organizations in Tennessee that provide domestic violence help. If you have an abusive wife here are some More Resources. 

Parent Education Class

To learn more about domestic violence, take our divorcing parent education seminar. Sign up by

by clicking HERE.

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